Respectful and cooperative collaboration as well as the conscious perception of social responsibility form the basis for our long-term corporate success. The Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for the behavior of all employees at K-Recruiting and our stakeholders. Legally correct, ethical and social.
We have zero tolerance for no tolerance.
We respect every individual human, animal and our nature.
We are ambassadors and aware of our role model function.
We evaluate ourselves on the basis of our performance regardless of gender, age, origin, religion or sexual orientation.
We avoid situations that can bring us into conflicts of interest.
We do not give or accept bribes including inappropriate gifts.
We do not engage in or assist any other party in money laundering or terrorist financing activities.
We behave fairly in competition.
We secure all data in accordance with the law and treat it confidentially.
We inform ourselves about international compliance guidelines and adhere to them.
We comply with the labour laws of the individual country.
We always strive for innovative solutions and are constantly evolving.
We offer excellent solutions - just in time.
We work as a global team according to uniformly defined standards.
We treat all business partners, suppliers and persons with whom we have a relationship of any kind respectfully and as equals.
We use confidential data, software and hardware with care.
We protect both internal and external intellectual and material property.
We use our social media platforms and the created content wisely.
We support the establishment and further development of K-Recruiting all together.
We act economically and entrepreneurially.
We take care of ourselves and our environment to avoid accidents.
We use data and technologies with responsibility.
We do not abuse the trust of K-Recruiting and K-Recruiting does not abuse our trust.
We have a responsibility to provide transparent and timely financial reports.
We dispose of documents with sensitive data correctly.
We travel in a cost-effective, ecological and sustainable way.
We ensure that our environmental and ethnic requirements are respected in the goods and services we provide.
We respect every human right.
We act sustainably and ecologically - internally and with our stakeholders.
We are socially engaged and contribute to society.
© K-Recruiting Schweiz AG 2022