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K-Recruiting News | January 2020
K-Recruiting promotes climate protection: Plant my Tree campaign launched
The new economy also means new responsibility. Successful companies that are a good fit for the world are aware that, in addition to their economic objectives, they also have a shared responsibility for the planet whose resources they use. K-Recruiting has been facing up to this responsibility since the day the company was founded. As its latest initiative, the company has started a cooperation with PLANT-MY-TREE, an organisation that launches its own reforestation projects.

Plant my Tree Auszeichnung
Plant my Tree Auszeichnung

The result is already impressive: since October 2019, the recruitment consultancy has been the proud owner of 50 of its own trees. This compensates for about half of the average annual emissions of a passenger car of 2.6 tons of CO². This may not sound too impressive at first – but it is only the beginning. Ultimately, it is all about making a lasting effect. Together with our customers we want to achieve considerably more – the K-Recruiting forest, so to speak.


Referring to the new cooperation with the reforestation specialist, Oliver Kremer, Managing Director at K-Recruiting, states: “This means that we have found exactly the right partner”. As one of the first companies in Germany to take up climate protection and CO² reduction as a business model, PLANT-MY-TREE carries out reforestation programmes on its own initiative – and on its own land, which is safe therefore from the economic interests of third parties.

For this purpose PLANT-MY-TREE acquires plots of land that were previously used in other ways and carries out tree planting projects on them – always in close cooperation with the local forestry authorities. Alternatively, at the special request of project partners, reforestation is possible on specific plots of land which are made available. In this case, too, planting takes place in direct dialogue with the local forestry authorities. The aim is to create an extensive forest area in Germany, which in the long term will contribute to reducing CO² emissions and thus counteract global warming.

“In our opinion, reforestation is the second-best way to protect the climate and the environment – after the avoidance or reduction of CO² emissions in the first place”, PLANT-MY-TREE states. The fact that the reforestation company’s projects are designed for the long term is proven by the duration of the projects: they are planned for at least 99 years. During this time there is no deforestation or any other kind of economic use. “Nature conservation requires patience and time”, PLANT-MY-TREE emphasises and proves the company’s own credo by a concept that spans generations.


Special cooperations with companies provide firms like K-Recruiting with the opportunity to initiate lasting commitment to environmental protection together with PLANT-MY-TREE. In this way a massive increase in forest areas and thus an increased storage capacity for CO² removed from the air is to be achieved in the long term.

K-Recruiting has entered the sustainable programme as a project partner and is involved in the long-term: for every invoice which is paid on time the company plants a tree. What has been achieved so far can be viewed directly on site:

35080 Bad Endbach

Site coordinates:

50°45’36.9″N 8°29’31.4″E .

Treed numbered: 7,796 – 7,845


The consequences of climate change are already clearly visible today – not only on weather charts, but also very specifically on numerous coastlines in many countries of the world. The man-made changes in the climate are on the verge of fundamentally endangering the survival of mankind, particularly as a result of the global greenhouse effect.

The increased CO² content in the air is causing temperatures to rise worldwide, thus throwing the entire ecosystem out of balance. At the same time, each of us is jointly responsible for the production of CO², whether through industry, traffic, agriculture or personally through individual consumption.

Parts of the CO² emissions can be avoided by appropriate measures and changes in consumer behaviour. Others, however, are unavoidable – even in the long term. Climate protection has the task of stopping the increase in greenhouse gases and reducing them to a climate-neutral level in the long term. Everyone can make a contribution.

This means that just as human beings have caused global climate change through their own actions, they must repair the damage caused – again through their own actions. K-Recruiting does this by participating in the reforestation programmes of PLANT-MY-TREE.


One tree certainly can’t. However, many trees together are one of the greatest hopes of getting to grips with climate change just in time.

Reforestation in the sense of nature conservation does not bring new forest areas into the ecosystem. It is rather a matter of restoring lost forest areas and thus achieving the status that existed before global warming began. Forests don’t just beautify the landscape. They fulfil important tasks in maintaining the balance of natural forces and thus stabilising the climate.

Forests play a key role in maintaining a healthy CO² balance: trees can extract CO² from the air and bind it permanently. Especially the loss of forest areas in recent years – whether through clearing or forest dieback – is one of the main causes for the excessive amount of CO² in the atmosphere and thus for global warming.

Reforestation programmes are – besides the slowing effect on global warming – also effective and sustainable environmental protection measures. New forest areas create fresh habitats for animals and plants. Species protection is therefore another objective of reforestation projects. In addition, forests protect soil areas from erosion and ensure a stable water balance through the cleansing effect of the trees.

Even urban zones benefit from forest areas in their vicinity: forests act like giant air filters, removing dust, gases and soot particles from the air. And finally, people also benefit from the forest in a very personal way: a walk through quiet and peaceful natural surroundings allows many people to find themselves again.