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K-Recruiting News | December 2023
The K-Recruiting Christmas donation for Care-For-Rare: Help for children with rare diseases.
In Germany and the EU, millions of people are affected by rare diseases, 50% of those affected are children. With this year's Christmas donation, K-Recruiting is supporting the Care-For-Rare Foundation. A foundation that promotes research into rare diseases in order to develop effective therapies and improve the treatment and care of sick children.


In Germany alone, it is estimated that around four million people live with one of up to 8,000 different rare diseases worldwide. It is estimated that there are 30 million people in the EU as a whole. These diseases are usually chronic and can lead to symptoms as early as childhood. Young patients in particular often suffer the most. The necessary attention from society, politicians and the pharmaceutical industry is essential in order to strengthen research and counteract this fate through international cooperation.

The Care for Rare Foundation, which was founded in 2009 as a joint initiative of science and medicine, is making a contribution to this. The aim is to give children with rare diseases faster access to modern genetic diagnostics and innovative treatment methods. The foundation uniquely combines concern for seriously ill children with the aim of using scientific research to understand the basics of disease processes and develop new therapies. In doing so, it cooperates with an international network of doctors and scientists.

As a company, K-Recruiting is aware of its responsibility to society. That is why we also want to support this mission and make a contribution to giving children with rare diseases hope and a cure. As part of a company-wide fundraising campaign, we are therefore once again supporting the Care-for-Rare Foundation with our Christmas donation this year. All employees were given 50 cents per day to donate, resulting in a donation of 7,901.50 EUR for 2023.

The K-Recruiting Christmas Donation:
of this year's donation will go to the organization Care-for-Rare
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