Food is not a given for everyone. Not everyone has the financial means, access to food or the knowledge to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food. The figures published recently by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are particularly alarming. According to these, almost 811 million people worldwide suffered from hunger last year alone, including 5.7 million children under the age of 5. A good reason for us to act! And we are not alone in this.
The instigator of the #squeezeOutHunger fundraising campaign, which took place as part of the Future Leader Fundraising Challenge, is our client Mr. Lambrecht. Not only did he help launch the innovative campaign, but also gave K-Recruiting the opportunity to participate. An opportunity we were very happy to take, because we take this as a sign that our customer relationship is based on trust as well as being on an equal footing. Whether by e-mail, telephone or in person: At K-Recruiting, we are in constant contact with our customers. That is our daily business. However, this proactive idea of doing good together was new territory. For us, this is a great honour and we are pleased to be able to support the #squeezeOutHunger project as a partner with a donation of 3,000 euros.
Every year, the well-known business school Otto Beisheim School of Management (WHU) organises the Future Leader Fundraising Challenge (FLFC). The students of the current MBA class – among them Mr. Lambrecht- worked out the innovative campaign #squeezeOutHunger for the NGO “Save the Children” on their own initiative. “Save the Children” supports children and expectant mothers with the goal of reducing child mortality. The focus here is to ensure a nutritional foundation for young children.
More information on the #squeezeOutHunger fundraising campaign and details on the current amount of donations collected can be found here.
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